Now Playing: National School Lunch Week

The National School Lunch Program serves nearly 30 million children every school day. From Oct. 12-16, we are celebrating the importance of school lunches to students’ health wellness in and outside of the classroom with different themed days. In addition, we will be celebrating the people who make it happen, from our farmers to our nutritional staff.


It’s National Farmer Day, so if you want to thank your farmers you can submit a card to the District Office Nutrition Department and it will get sent to local Iowa farmers.


Dress up as your favorite movie character or wear your favorite movie-inspired shirt to school today!


It’s Iowa Local Food Day! Grab a food item at lunchtime made by a local farm!


Color or draw your favorite movie characters & give them to your kitchen staff to add to a Movie Art Exhibition in your school’s cafeteria!


Show your lunch lady/guy your appreciation today! Say thank you to them for all their hard work!